Paper Spatial Analysis of Military Vehicle Maneuvers in Tactical Situations on ArcView GIS

Author: Dooil Kim
Organization: Korea Military Academy

Nowon, Gongneung, P.O. Box 77-2
Seoul, 139-799

Phone: 02-2197-2733
Fax: 02-2197-0197

Recognition of spatial patterns is one key issue in GIS application. This study aims to recognize the spatial patterns of maneuvering tanks in tactical operations. Five patterns are recognized in the analysis. Algorithms recognizing the patterns are made using the Avenue development environment in ArcView GIS. At the first step the maneuvering direction of a unit troop is calculated. At the second step, the location of each tank, that is, direction and distance of each tank relative to the leading one, is calculated and the spatial pattern is analyzed. The spatial pattern algorithms are used as part of the maneuver control system.