Paper Spatially Enabling an Incident Data Warehouse

Author: Baron O. Grey
Organization: LACMTA

One Gateway Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952

Phone: 213.922.4202
Fax: 213.922.3879

This presentation discusses the use of Esri Spatial Database Engine (SDE), ArcView GIS, and Avenue relative to the Freeway Incident Response Services Tracking (FIRST) system database warehouse. It describes how FIRST is using SDE and ArcView GIS to manage geospatial data and conduct spatial analysis in conjunction with a data warehouse. The FIRST system is funded by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) for the California Highway Patrol (CHP). The prime contractor is bd Systems, parent to GIS/Trans Ltd. FIRST is in daily beta test since April 1998 by 12 organizations and 70 users including CHP, Caltrans, and the Los Angeles County Coroner.