Paper Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority (METRO) Project: Creation of a Fixed Route Scheduling Database by the Precision Merging of Schedule, Bus Stop, and Basemap Data Sets to Support Scheduling Operations

Author: David Rory Dignum
Organization: Idea Integration; Esri

3700 Buffalo Speedway
Suite 510
Houston, TX 77098

Phone: 713-629-0475

The project objective was to successfully merge varied databases to support the customer telephone information system and other METRO enterprise GIS applications. The design and development of an MS Visual Basic program to convert schedule data from a commercially available software package into Oracle will be explained. Special focus will be provided on the coordination of schedule, bus stop, and street basemap databases that are maintained by individual METRO departments and other governmental entities. Discussion will include the resulting procedures, route model, turntable modifications, and AML tools developed to create routes and sequence bus stops and turn points.