Paper Where Are Your Customers Raster Based Modeling For Customer Prospecting

Author: Shaun K. McMullin
Organization: University of Washington

2466 Westlake Ave. N #8
Seattle, WA 98109

Phone: 206.547.5350

Surveys at the point of purchase are linked with transaction records to analyze the distribution of customers for a retail outlet. Trade areas are generated through customer spotting and analyzed in a raster GIS. These maps display customer distribution differences across product categories, gender, age, and level of income. In order to "clone" profitable customers, the database is filtered and populated to model for similar consumers. The GIS is then used to locate areas where these people live. Following the analysis is a discussion of how target marketing efforts are aimed at potential consumer segments and how subsequent trade area analysis can help visualize the level of success of efforts to expand the store's market area.