Quick Hits: Using ArcView GIS in the Enterprise at the City of Calgary

Author: Dianne Haley
Organization: City of Calgary

PO Box 2100, Station M
Calgary, T2P 2M5
Alberta, Canada

Phone: 403-268-4890
Fax: 403-268-8120

The City of Calgary has been implementing GIS technology since the early 1990s. However, the early corporate GIS initiatives were unable to quickly address the requirements of many business units. As a result, the GIS initiative lost momentum in the late 1990s. In April 1999, the City of Calgary selected the Esri suite of software and tools to support a revitalized GIS initiative. A number of "quick hit" projects were completed to prove the benefits of GIS technology to interested business units. This presentation will describe Calgary's experiences with the use of ArcView GIS, ArcView GIS extensions, and Avenue scripts accessing enterprise/SDE data to address immediate requirements of a number of business units including Animal Services, Bylaw, Census, Fire Risk Assessment, and Police Services.