Paper Shape Editing and Survey Entry Tools for ArcView GIS

Author: Nathanael Lloyd
Organization: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management

100 Cambridge Street
Boston, MA 02202

Phone: 617-727-5227
Fax: 617-727-2754

As out-of-the-box software, ArcView GIS has many features that make it an attractive desktop GIS package. However, ArcView GIS lacks many features that are important for editing line and polygon data sets. Without a full suite of editing functions, it is impossible for small communities and nonprofit land trusts to manage their land with ArcView GIS. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management (DEM), with a grant from the Norcross Wildlife Foundation, created an extension for ArcView GIS that greatly enhances its editing abilities. With the new tools it is possible to snap, split, move, and rotate line segments; polygon themes can be edited while maintaining topological accuracy; dangle nodes and pseudo nodes are indicated on screen; and selected arcs of an editable theme are displayed with the selection color. The extension also provides users with the ability to create shapes using survey coordinates to edit information in a theme's attribute table using a convenient dialog.