Enhancing the GIS of Florida's Surface Water and Wetland Regulatory Programs: Enabling ERPgis with SDE and Other Enhancements

Author: Richard Butgereit
Organization: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

2600 Blairstone Rd., MS 2500
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Phone: 850-921-9933

The ERPgis application has been developed and implemented by several agencies charged with regulating activities affecting Florida's surface waters and wetlands. The tools of the application foster GIS management of permit information and locations, sharing of resultant data sets, and analyzing potential effects of activities on Florida's cultural, natural, and water resources. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has been the primary agency involved with the development and enhancement of the application. Following the department's move to SDE, the ERPgis application was enabled to use SDE data layers with navigation tools and for analysis data sets. The steps taken to accomplish this enhancement, other enhancements, and a status report of the implementation of the application within Florida will also be discussed.