Paper California Integrated Waste Stream Profiles GIS Application

Author: Darryl Petker
Organization: Policy and Analysis Office

8800 Cal Center Drive
Sacramento, CA 95826

Phone: (916) 255-2664
Fax: (916) 255-1102

The Integrated Waste Management Board (Board) is responsible for reducing the generation and improving the management of solid waste in California. A primary mandate is gathering and analyzing information for public information and program compliance. To this end, the Board has developed a comprehensive Web-based database management system known as the California Waste Stream Profiles (Profiles).

This summarized information is drawn from 15 of the Board's strategic databases and presented via the World Wide Web. This data reports on three primary areas of Board responsibility: (1) local jurisdictions, (2) solid waste facilities, and (3) waste material types. This information is displayed in text, pictures, GIS maps and layers, tables, lists, charts, graphs, and links to other Web resources.

The Board uses the Esri ArcView GIS, MapObjects and MapObjects IMS, and Arc Explorer software to build mapping functionality. The GIS maps portray data on jurisdictional boundaries, solid waste facility locations, and specific material recycling centers as well as related geographic layers for roads, cities, and counties.