GeoPres Update

Author: Göran Mårtenson
Organization: Swedish Armed Forces

SE-107 85 STOCKHOLM, SE-107 85

Phone: +46 8 788 7847
Fax: +46 8 788 7596

GeoPres--the enterprisewide GIS for the Swedish Armed Forces based on Esri software ArcView GIS and MapObjects.

GeoPres shall be used on any level of command from the armed forces headquarters to a company commander, in command and control (C2I) systems as well as on weaponry platforms. It shall be used both embedded as well as in stand-alone applications. It must be easy to learn, easy to use, and flexible, depending on what type of user you are.

Version 2.02 of the GeoPres concept is now available. According to plan the project now is completed. The Swedish Armed Forces have got an enterprisewide GIS solution according to requirements.

At present we are working on transferring the GeoPres concept to a maintenance phase. Esri Sweden has purchased the GeoPres products. This agreement was signed on January 25 this year. We want Esri Sweden to be our technical GeoPres experts. The responsibility of the Web site has been transferred to Esri Sweden. In addition we are building up an organization for further development of the GeoPres concept and maintenance of activity-related applications.

Today more than 1,500 users are working with GeoPres tools within the armed forces.