GIS Day in Second Grade

Author: Dorian Des Lauriers
Organization: Des Lauriers & Associates, Inc.

40 Kenwood Circle
Suite 8
Franklin, MA 02038

Phone: (508) 520-0502
Fax: (508) 528-4011

Understanding GIS technology can be daunting for those who do not understand the concept. Teaching GIS to a group of second graders seemed impossible. On GIS Day 1999, with the help of Des Lauriers & Assoc., Inc., Franklin, Massachusetts, the entire second grade at Jefferson Elementary School in Franklin, Massachusetts, presented a project of world explorers. The children participated in the development of sketches, plays, and songs about the explorers, which was incorporated in an ArcView GIS project. With this experience, the children developed new sense of world geography combining with technology that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.