Geodata Requirements for Project Scoping and Environmental Analyses: Overcoming the Challenges

Philip Bailey

The geodata requirements for environmental planning and management are both diverse and often poorly communicated. Nobility is addressing this perplexing issue by presenting the requirements, standards, and limitations of geodata for a GIS-enabled expert decision support system. A variety of topics are covered including the quality, spatial resolution, and precision of vector data for typical project scoping analyses. This is complemented by a description of suitable raster imagery frequently used for display purposes and georeference. Nobility uses Esri ArcView GIS software to support environmental planning decisions, and this paper is aimed at helping to remove confusion surrounding the often overwhelming task of collecting and organizing geodata for this task.


Environmental impact analysis typically involves a strong spatial component. The occurrence and severity of an impact often depends on the spatial relationship between an activity and the surrounding environmental components. Spatial data files can be used to represent project activities and the biological, physical, and socioeconomic components of the environment that may be impacted by those activities.

Nobility Environmental Software Systems has developed a commercial, general purpose, decision support system for environmental analysis (see for a detailed description of this product). Nobility EM is designed to connect ArcView GIS map data with a knowledge base of information describing how environmental impacts occur (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Nobility EM Project Map and Project Explorer.
The knowledge base contains the definitions of each environmental component type and possible activity that the user is allowed to define. After the user has connected their geodata to the appropriate knowledge base type, the Nobility EM inference engine is used to interrogate the knowledge base and determine the applicable environmental impacts (Figure 2). Environmental impacts can be displayed either in a tabular or spatial context and interrogated to determine their cause and meaning.

Figure 2 Nobility EM impact map and Impact Explorer.
The following sections describe the specific ArcView GIS data requirements for the Nobility EM system.

Visual Display

Not all spatial data are used to calculate impacts; Nobility EM provides for additional spatial data to be incorporated for display purposes only.

ArcView GIS shapefiles can be used to represent Display Georeference Components. These components are used for reference only and are not impacted by project activities. An example of a georeference component is a file containing district boundaries. Impacts do not occur on these boundaries but the boundaries are included in the setting as a visual aid for users.

Scanned maps, aerial photographs, and satellite images may also be added to a setting to improve the map display. These types of spatial data are included as background information and are not associated with components.

Spatial Data Specifications

To be used by Nobility EM, spatial data must adhere to the following specifications for the representation of components and activities, and the incorporation of imagery:

File Format:

Shape Type:


Spatial Extent and Resolution:

Projection/Coordinate System:


File Format:

Any file format supported by ArcView GIS may be added to a Nobility EM setting as a background image.

Metadata Requirements

Standard metadata requirements apply for the geodata used in Nobility EM. Examples of useful metadata include description, spatial domain, data quality, entity, and attribute information (attribute values and definitions).

In addition to the standard metadata, it is recommended that information about how the geodata is used in Nobility software be recorded and maintained.


Thank you to the Heather Alexander, Chris Clibbon, Monique Cornish, George Davis and Dennis Radage of Nobility for their advice and comments during the preparation of this paper.

Contact Information

Philip Bailey
Software Development Engineer
Nobility Environmental Software Systems Inc.
Suite 300 1765 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver  BC  V5Y 1S3
Tel:  (604) 733-2996
Fax: (604) 733-4657