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Planning Analyst: Technology and the Comprehensive Plan
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Ben Niemann

Comprehensive Smart Growth Planning is a new requirement for all Wisconsin municipalities including rural townships. Planning Analyst is a template that uses a mix of GIS and Web technologies to address each of the elements required in a comprehensive land use plan. Using Planning Analyst, the planning professional and citizen planner alike will be able to EXPLORE community planning issues, ANALYZE place-based factors, ALLOCATE resources and sustainable new growth, and EVALUATE impacts from "what if" scenarios. Planning Analyst is a model derived from "Shaping Dane's Future," one of six national projects selected by the United States Reinventing Government program.

Ben Niemann
University of Wisconsin–Madison
b102 Steenbock Lib.
550 Babcock Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Phone: (608)263-5534
Fax: (608)262-2500