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Paper  Decision Support System for Enhancing Hydrodynamic Model Development
Track: Modeling
Author(s): Fernando Toro, Roberto Mayerle

This paper presents the use of GIS to speed up hydrodynamic model development. The Decision Support System that is presented herein enhances model calibration and validation by adequately storing, analyzing, and integrating in situ measurement data, such as velocities and water levels, and results of numerical model simulations. It can also provide support during measuring campaigns. The system has been designed to be extended to handle data from different measuring devices such as stationary and mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) gauges and wave buoys; and it is open to different numerical models. It allows the user to navigate efficiently through the data, using
point-and-click methods.

Fernando Toro
Christian Albrechts University
Otto Hahn Platz 3
Kiel, Schlewig Holstein 24118

Phone: 49 431 880 2548
Fax: 49 431 880 7303