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Paper  Soil Data Viewer: Implementing an N-tier Enterprise GIS Web Application
Track: Geography Network
Author(s): Steven Ekblad, Eric Strand, Terry L. Aho

The Web Soil Data Viewer is a proof-of-concept Internet application showcasing the use of current hardware and software technologies to produce custom soil maps from real-time interpretation of soil data attributes. Complete USDA – NRCS SSURGO soils data sets, both spatial and tabular, were integrated into a natural resource data warehouse. The Web Soil Data Viewer utilizes Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft Internet Information Server implemented on a Compaq Proliant four-server rack system with 1.2 terabyte SAN Storage Works disk storage. Esri's ArcSDE and ArcIMS software provided geospatial data management and GIS processing.

Steven Ekblad
Natural Resource Research Center
2150 Centre Ave, Bldg A
Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891

Phone: 970 295-5553
Fax: 970 295-5544