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Paper  3D Feature Extraction from Imagery Using ArcSDE
Track: Remote Sensing Imagery
Author(s): Bingcai Zhang, Stewart Walker, Scott Miller

GIS databases become more valuable and useful when they are integrated with non-GIS data. Esri's Spatial Database Engine (ArcSDE) provides an interface to integrate GIS data with non-GIS data and puts GIS data directly under database management system control. With SOCET SET, BAE SYSTEMS and LH Systems are introducing a 3D feature extraction system that directly links to ArcSDE and takes full advantage of ArcSDE for real-time applications. With this system, users can extract 3D features directly from controlled stereo imagery acquired from aircraft or satellites. This system allows several users to extract 3D features to the same feature database concurrently, or update the feature database while it is being used for real-time applications, and has no limits on the size of the feature database. 3D features are tightly integrated with non-GIS data to maximize their value and application.

Bingcai Zhang
BAE Systems Mission Solutions
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San Diego, CA 92127-1800

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