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Paper  Locating Potential School Sites
Track: K-12 Education and Library Science
Author(s): Vern Svatos

This paper presents the ongoing development of a methodology using ArcView GIS for school site location in Delaware. A school district was chosen for analysis and existing GIS themes were identified for use in the analysis. Part of the study was also to look at what other data might be needed. GIS data used in the analysis, among others, were land use, parcel line data, sewer network, and resource protection areas. Geoprocessing techniques such as intersect and buffering were used. Surrogate point data was created to represent students. The analysis identified a number of sites with potential for schools and identified additional data needs.

Vern Svatos
University of Delaware
Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716

Phone: 302.831.4932
Fax: 302.831.4932