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Planning for the Future: Using GIS to Address Community Health Needs
Track: Health and Human Services
Author(s): Elisabeth W. Dowling, Christina A. Andrews

As the population of the United States becomes increasingly diverse, many communities are recognizing the need to make public health services more accessible to ethnically and racially diverse populations. Communities need to understand the changing demographics of target residents. Using GIS, The Lewin Group worked with a local community to profile the demographics of the resident population in order to pinpoint the location of the populations most likely to use public health services. These data were used in conjunction with patient data from the public health department to target areas where a mismatch between the supply of health resources and the demand for health services existed. The information was presented to the city council and used to determine the best location for a new public health facility.

Elisabeth W. Dowling
The Lewin Group
3130 Fairview Park Drive
Suite 800
Falls Church, VA 22042

Phone: (703) 269-5935
Fax: (703) 269-5501