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Transforming Web GIS into a Tool for Everyone
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Gido Langen, Bernard Catalinotto

EarthData International provides state-of-the-art GIS solutions, photogrammetry, and other consulting services, with special expertise in development of Web GIS applications. While many of today’s off the shelf GIS packages permit rapid deployment of spatial data and GIS applications on the Web, those applications largely assume familiarity with GIS concepts and terminology. Using a mouse pointer to zoom in on displayed data and pan around may be second nature to GIS users but not necessarily to the uninitiated. An "execute" button, for example, may seem intuitive to a programmer but may be an impediment to use of an application by non-GIS users. Focusing on ArcIMS, this presentation demonstrates Web applications that illustrate how far GIS packages can be customized to attract general users to a Web site and to keep them using it. The presentation shows pitfalls and solutions of GIS applications on the Web while using live Web applications. Anybody who is interested in publishing spatial data on the Web will find this presentation highly rewarding.

Gido Langen
EarthData International
45 West Watkins Mill Rd
Suite G
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Phone: (301) 948 - 855
Fax: (301) 963 - 206