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Paper  An Approach to Land Base Management for Address Inheritance from Layer to Layer
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Author(s): John Hacker

Managing the multilayered land base of a GIS application environment, the using enterprise has the requirements to minimize duplicate effort, out-of-synch data and duplicate data storage. The opportunity for these efficiencies is evident in a telecommunications network application environment where street address data must be available to describe the location of many layers of network components but must only be stored a single time to comply with the requirements listed. The challenge can be addressed through the relational capabilities of the geo-object data model.

John Hacker
Telcordia/MESA Solutions
7800 Highway 20 West
Tower Building, 4th Floor
Huntsville, AL 35807

Phone: 256-864-0400
Fax: 256-864-0251