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Integrating Wisconsin's Geospatial Data Libraries to Support State-Wide Comprehensive Planning
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Jerome Gill Sullivan

By 2010, each Wisconsin local government must adopt a comprehensive plan ( The nine components must include issues and opportunities, housing, transportation, utilities and community facilities, natural and cultural resources, economic development, intergovernmental cooperation, land use, and implementation. Each component enumerates the need for policy statements, goals, standards, maps, and action plans. The components draw heavily on the 15 foundational elements of the Wisconsin Land Information Program (WLIP) but require integration of additional State-wide data, as well. This presentation discusses requisite cross-theme geospatial data model integration including TIGER, PLSS, cadastral, local roads, hydrography, terrain, address point tessellations, and imagery.

Jerome Gill Sullivan
Wisconsin Department of Administration
17 South Fairchild Street, 7th Floor
Madison, WI 53703-3219

Phone: (608) 264-6109
Fax: (608) 266-5519