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Update on the Current State of Mobile Computing Technologies
Track: New Technology and Technology Integration
Author(s): Michael Perry, Jim Blaha

This paper will discuss the benefits of utilizing speech technology in a mobile computing environment to collect data required in implementing enterprisewide solutions to effectively manage your business. Voice user interface (VUI) is uniquely suited to replace the traditional graphical user interface (GUI) and menus for mobile field applications. Collectors now have the freedom to travel within their environment with hands free and eyes up, using speech, while actively collecting the required data for spatial or relational databases. A voice-enabled data collection system allows you to collect data faster, more accurately, and more intuitively, while saving time and money.

Michael Perry
Datria Systems, Inc.
7211 S. Peoria St.
Suite 260
Englewood, CO 80112

Phone: (303) 728-1329
Fax: (303) 728-1301