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Geocoding Permits and Voters in Maricopa County, Arizona
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Timothy E Johnson, Shiloh R Johnson

This paper presents the results of a collaborative GIS project between the Maricopa County Elections and Planning and Development departments to geocode residential address information from the departments' databases. The goal of the project was to geocode historical permit data from the Planning and Development Department and all registered voters from the Elections Department. The geocoded data will be used for population and district analysis within the departments. All together, there were nearly two million addresses to geocode. Meeting a goal of a 98 percent match rate required a variety of data sources, data manipulation, and geocoding techniques.

Timothy E Johnson
Maricopa County
2025 E Universtity Dr
Phoenix, AZ 85034

Phone: 602-506-4959
Fax: 602-506-5112