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GIS Applications in Space-Based Defense Systems
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Travis B Langster

This paper presents the use of GIS in the modeling and simulation of air- and space-based defense systems. The application of Esri GIS data sets and queries, combined with the aerospace analysis and visualization of Satellite Tool Kit, provide the ability to address many space-related applications. Examples of these realistic applications will be presented and discussed in detail within several defense-related arenas. The arenas that are addressed include intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, collection management, and space-based visibility analysis. The example applications will also highlight the integration capabilities between STK/GIS and ArcView.

Travis B Langster
Analytical Graphics, Inc.
4600 Forbes Blvd
Suite 103
Lanham, MD 20721

Phone: 301.918.4244
Fax: 603.687.6929