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Using CommunityViz to Bring Diverse Stakeholders Together and Compare the Impacts of Different Development Patterns in Santa Fe County
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Ken Snyder

Through the beta testing process of the CommunityViz planning software, the Trust for Public Land was able to assemble a diverse coalition of partners to think about the future of Santa Fe. Representatives from the City and County of Santa Fe came to the table with developers, environmental organizations, universities, and federal agencies to look at different development strategies and quantify the impacts of these approaches on water use, jobs-housing balance, open space preservation, and community livability. The team tested the concept of village-centered development against "business-as-usual" development to see how each performed in meeting community values/needs. The open framework of the model helped draw in diverse stakeholder involvement and fostered cooperation. The community plans to continue to use CommunityViz to promote more sustainable land use strategies in the area.

Ken Snyder
U.S. Department of Energy
1617 Cole Blvd; MS 1721
Golden, CO 80401

Phone: (303)275-4819
Fax: (303)275-4830