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3D GIS Development, Modeling, and Application Examples from Actual Project Work
Track: Modeling
Author(s): Joerg Schaller

The extension of the 2D GIS technology to 3D landscape and land cover models is a new challenge in spatial GIS modeling.
The three-dimensional simulation of reality creates more than virtual landscapes or cities. The databases that have to be generated for these applications can also be used for spatial and 3-dimensional modeling such as spatial matter--and energy flows, environmental modeling, or virtual modeling of planned future conditions. To create 3D GIS databases, new technologies such as LIDAR, radar or GPS are used to gather 3D information more or less automatically and very efficiently. The presentation will provide an overview of the technical application possibilities of 3D GIS demonstrated by examples from actual project work

- Resource management and environmental impact study applications
- Virtual landscape simulation for impact sssessment and planning
- 3D city models and air pollution distribution modeling
- 3D GIS for power line monitoring and management

Joerg Schaller
Esri Geoinformatik GmbH, Germany
Ringstrasse 7
Kranzberg, Freising 1234567
Bavaria, Germany

Phone: +49-8166-677-0
Fax: 49-8166-677-111