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Paper  New York City's New Basemap: The Holy Grail?
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Virginia A Richter, Gary M Ostroff

New York City (NYC), a city dating back to the infancy of this country, is still in a state of flux. Cartographers are still trying to deal with the "one city, many basemaps" dilemma, and HydroQual is no different. HydroQual has been trying to depict various aspects of the City uniformly for the last 20 years and to no avail. We will discuss the many basemaps of NYC as well as the eagerly anticipated new planimetric basemap.

Virginia A Richter
1 Lethbridge Plaza
Mahwah, NJ 07430

Phone: (201) 529-5151
Fax: (201) 512-3825