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Development of Tools for Regionalization Rate of Flow
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Bhering Eduardo, Calijuri Lucia, Meira Anderson

This paper shows tools, developed and incorporated to ArcView, for calculating parameters used in regionalization rate of flow. As it was not altimetric digital data; we used hydrographic data just obtained by direct digitalization. For delimitation of subwatersheds that composed each one of the watersheds, we used Network Analyst. The tool "flip" was implemented for inversion of the sense of hydrography when necessary. For each subbasin, they obtained the length of the main river through a program that identifies the order of the rivers and also the river of larger length.

Bhering Eduardo
Federal University of Viçosa
Av. P H Rolfs, s/n - campus UFV /DEC
Viçosa, Minas Gerais State 36571-000

Phone: 0213138993093
Fax: 021318992830