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Implementing a Standards-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Local Government
Track: New Technology and Technology Integration
Author(s): Claus-Dietrich Werner, Ingo von Stillfried, Elmar Happ, Albert Remke

The paper describes the pilot project to implement a standards-based spatial data infrastructure for the City of Dortmund. The project is a collaborative effort of City departments, state government agencies, and industry. Using OGC standards, a prototype for an interoperable spatial server was developed, linking diverse applications such as cadastral mapping using technology from AED Graphics AG and environmental planning using ArcInfo and ArcView technology from Esri. The pilot is a leading project in implementing ALKIS, Germany’s new cadastral mapping standard. The paper focuses on technology issues.

Claus-Dietrich Werner
Esri Geoinformatik GmbH
Lister Meile 27
Hannover, 30161

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