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GIS in Estimation of Human Damage in an Earthquake
Track: EMS, Fire, Disaster Management
Author(s): zhexin Hu

Human damage depends greatly on the time when an earthquake happens. The problem of local governments with seismic damage assessment for the Regional Plan is that earthquake time cannot be identified beforehand; therefore, the damage that will occur might not necessarily be like the model. This paper presents a survey conducted on time budgets, integrated data of earthquake motion, soil condition, urban structure, and human distribution in an information system. With GIS estimated human damage was assessed in various cases such as fires occurring, buildings collapsing, transportation systems destroyed, etcetera at different times of the day.

zhexin Hu
Yokohama National University
Artificial Environment System
Yokohama National University
79-5, Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku,
Yokohama , Kanagawa 240-8501
Phone: +81-45-339-4249
Fax: +81-45-338-1016