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ZCTA Evaluation and Update System: A Custom Application Using ArcObjects
Track: Census and Geo-Demographics
Author(s): Stuart Irby

The U.S. Census Bureau Geography Division is developing a custom ArcGIS interface that integrates a variety of shapefiles and stand-alone data sets to provide a user-friendly set of tools for updating ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) assignments in areas where U.S. Postal Service ZIP Code realignments take place. Updates are then batch-loaded into the TIGER database. The application uses ArcObjects and VBA and enables updates to take place outside the traditional update environment. The presentation demonstrates the functionality of the system and explores the potential utility of similar software for additional Census Bureau programs.

Stuart Irby
U.S. Census Bureau
Geography Division
4700 Silver Hill Rd
Stop 7400
Washington , DC 20233-7400
Phone: 301-457-1100
Fax: 301-457-4710