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Distributed Digitizing: Solvent Plume Mapping by GIS and Spreadsheet
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Jeff Kapellas, Tom Mohr, Greg Bartow

This paper presents the results of a pilot project to quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively digitize solvent plume contours for 100 sites in the Santa Clara Valley, California. Using Excel spreadsheet forms provided to the site operators, the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Santa Clara Valley Water District collected the coordinates for the plume contour outlines along with key site attribute data. The spreadsheet data was imported via a script employing Dynamic Data Exchange into ArcView GIS to create a unified solvent plume data layer. This method enabled a large number of plume maps to be imported into the GIS system with a minimum of staff time and expense, creating the most accurate and detailed basinwide view of solvent release sites yet compiled for this region.

Jeff Kapellas
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
Planning Division
1515 Clay Street
Suite 1400
Oakland , CA 94612
Phone: 510.622.2370
Fax: 510.622.2459

Tom Mohr
Santa Clara Valley Water District
5750 Almaden Expressway
San Jose 95118
Phone: 408.265.2607

Greg Bartow
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
Planning Division
1515 Clay Street
Suite 1400
Oakland 94612
Phone: 510.622.2315
Fax: 510.622.2459