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Modeling the Spatial Dynamics of Homicide
Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author(s): Elizabeth Groff

This paper builds on research exploring the spatial dynamics of homicide events. Previous studies have clearly demonstrated that homicide events are not randomly distributed events but rather are clustered within a city. Recognizing that homicides are clustered is the first step in establishing a spatial dimension. However, there is little understanding of the dynamics that bring victim and offender together. We use the concept of "mobility triangles" to create a spatial typology for each homicide event that characterizes the relationship of the offender and victim to the place the crime occured. These relationships are built and analyzed in ArcGIS.

Elizabeth Groff
National Institute of Justice
Crime Mapping Research Center
516 25th Street South
Arlington , VA 22202
Phone: 202-305-3301
Fax: 202-616-0275