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WDNR Hydrology Tool: GIS for Hydrologic Modeling
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Kevin Driscoll

An ArcView tool has been developed to support flood-frequency computations based on USGS regression equations for streams in Wisconsin. The topographic base layer for the WDNR Hydrology Tool is a 30M DEM, where flow accumulation, flow direction, and stream grids are processed. The watershed delineation functionality extract slope information from the DEM and combines the data with land use features of storage, forest cover, soil permeability, and precipiation layers to calculate storm event flow results. Additional extensions of HEC-geoRAS and HEC-HMS are integrated into the WDNR Hydrology Tool project applications for floodplain mapping initiatives.

Kevin Driscoll
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
101 South Webster Street
Madison , WI 53703
Phone: 608 264 6278
Fax: 608 264 9200