Title of Paper Advances in Bathymetric Mapping


Author Sean Hartnett


Abstract (must be the same as the submitted abstract)


Paper Body


Overview of Bathymetric Mapping Process

Data Collection -- GIS Map Processing -- PostScript Map Production


Collection of Bathymetric Data

Measuring Depth


Weighted String

Acoustic Sounder

Graphing Sounder

Sounder with NMEA Output

Milti-Band Sounder

High-Powered Sounder


Plotting Positional Data

Grid Based Survey

Locating Transects and Shorelines on Maps

Locating Transects and Shorelines on Aerial Photos

dGPS to Plot Transects and Shorelines

dGPS to Locate Depths via NMEA feed from Sounder

dGPS to Locate Depths via Data Logger


Bathymetric Data Processing

Pre-GIS Human Intensive Contour Based Methodology

Plot Transect Lines

Locate Contour Depths (i.e. 5, 10. 15) on Transects

Plot Contours

By hand / or SYMAP ­ SURFER ­ with significant method produced error

Digitize Contours Atlas*Draw

Calculate Area of Contours

Calculate Volume of Frustums


Current ArcMap/Spatial Analyst DEM (Point-Surface) Based Methodology

Open Depth (Point) and Shore (Line) Shape Files ­ Define Projections

Merge Depth Point Files

Add and Calculate Depth and Elevation Fields

Render Depth Points and Shorelines into TIN Surface

Plot Contours

Calculate Area and Volume Statistics

Add DOQs and DEMs ­ Define Projections

Interpolate Grid Surfaces - Grid Dimensions ­ Method of Interpolation

3D Viewing and Animation

Export JPEG and PDF images


PostScript Map Production via Adobe Illustrator

Place Exported JPEG and PDF images

Draw Contours with smooth curves

Add Vegetation, Cribs and Substrate Symbols

Add Text and Graphs

Finalize Layout



Acknowledgments Appendixes

End Notes



For a High ­ Resolution Image Intensive Version of this presentation ­ GO TO



Author Information

Sean Hartnett, Professor of Geography, University of Wisconsin ­ Eau Claire,

P255 Eau Claire, WI 54702, 715.834.7301, fax7158366027, hartnesg@uwec.edu