2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Integration of Local Roads Into a Statewide GIS Layer
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Paul Tessar

CDOT has maintained a statewide GIS layer of roads under local jurisdiction for 20 years, fulfilling producer, custodian, and distributor roles. Three years ago, CDOT decided to conduct several pilot projects to determine the feasibility of adopting a new model for this work. This new model would rely on local jurisdictions to fulfill producer and custodian roles, with CDOT responsibilities shifting to area integration, producer of last resort, and distribution. Results of the pilot projects will be presented, including level of integration achieved, types of processing required, level of effort, problems encountered, lessons learned, and successes achieved.

Successful completion of the pilot phase led to a decision to implement an operational, statewide program for distributed local road data maintenance. Plans to encourage participation and develop a partnership will be presented.

Paul Tessar
Colorado DOT
GIS Section
4201 E. Arkansas Ave, EP-B606
Denver , CO 80222
Phone: 303-757-9805
Fax: 303-757-9727
E-mail: paul.tessar@dot.state.co.us