2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Sharing Data Assets Through the National Map and ArcIMS
Track: Federal Government Systems
Author(s): Carol Giffin, Jodi Riegle

The National Map will serve as the Nation's topographic map for the 21st century, and partnerships with other organizations are essential to access and display existing geographic data. The U. S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Land Management conducted a proof of concept to test the ability to access and use each other's online geospatial information being served through the ArcIMS Web Map Server Connector. This paper will discuss the proof of concept and implementation of the resulting partnership.

Carol Giffin
U.S. Geological Survey
Geography Discipline
Box 25046, MS 507
Denver , CO 80225-0046
Phone: 303-202-4127
E-mail: clgiffin@usgs.gov

Jodi Riegle
U.S. Geological Survey
Geography Discipline
Box 25046, MS 516
Denver , CO 80225-0046
Phone: 303-202-4321
E-mail: jlriegle@usgs.gov