2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


An Open-Source Virtual Object Model for 3D GIS
Track: New Technology and System Integration
Author(s): Barry Bitters

With the recent addition of the capability to import and display OpenFlight 3-dimensional models into ArcScene, Esri has entered the arena of traditional real-time simulation technology; a technology that has been used for many years by NASA and the Department of Defense. Real-time simulation technology is a mature simulation environment and is a viable means to display GIS data in conjunction with realistic virtual landscapes. A prototype version of a non-proprietary, virtual object model and its associated library of 3D objects were tested. The object model and its associated 3D model library provide translation and display mechanisms to port GIS data into the simulation environment. This paper will provide background on the history of real-time simulation, efforts to promulgate this technology into the GIS arena, and current efforts to deliver a robust virtual object model and its associated 3D model library.

Barry Bitters
University of West Florida
Environmental Studies
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola , FL 32514-5750
Phone: 850 474-2735
Fax: 850 936-1060
E-mail: bbitters@uwf.edu