2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Spatial Subsidies for Watershed Studies
Track: Modeling
Author(s): Mariane Dal Santo, Giovanni Scotton, Francisco Oliveira

Digital cartography represents a fundamental tool in the support variables identification. For elaboration of processing data which became analysis in watershed, a GIS was used. One of the main advantages for planning through GIS is to present data in different detail levels, inside of holistic or analytical focuses in studied area. In these cases, the information model has to be organized in layers. This strategy makes possible to obtain infinity combinations and comparisons among different alternatives action. In this study, we detached Digital Terrain Model (DTM) generation, developed in ArcView 8.x software, and the derivates morphometric products; such as declivity and hypsometric chart, land profiles, drainage density, among others. The resources showed to be extremely efficient and lives agilely the process of elaborating morphometrical maps, revealing a strong potential, with quickness and precision making.

Mariane Dal Santo
GeoLab-Laboratorio de Geoprocessamento
Rua Deodoro, 265/3 - Centro
Florianopolis , Santa Catarina 88010-020
Phone: 482125301
Fax: 55482125304
E-mail: marianedalsanto@udesc.br

Giovanni Scotton
GeoLab-Laboratorio de Geoprocessamento
Rua Deodoro 265/3 - Centro
Florianópolis , Santa Catarina 88010-020
Phone: 482125301
Fax: 55482125304
E-mail: giovanni_cs@yahoo.com.br

Francisco Oliveira
GeoLab-Laboratorio de Geoprocessamento
Rua Deodoro, 265/3
Florianopolis , Santa Catarina 88010-020
Phone: 482125301
Fax: 55482125304
E-mail: chicoliver@yahoo.com.br