2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Crash Data Management Using GPS and GIS
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Mohamed El-Gafy, Yassir AbdelRazig

Road safety improvements are a complex issue. The concern for road safety is further heightened by the federal crash statistics which reveal that Florida's annual fatality rate had been above the national average for the past few years. The state of Florida stores and manages detailed information about vehicle crashes including their approximate locations. These locations are typically placed at identifiable points along the roadway, such as mileposts and intersections. The resulting resolution can place vehicle crashes caused by the same roadway variable as far apart as 2 km, making accurate identification of roadway safety hazards difficult. In this paper, GPS and GIS technologies will be utilized to locate crashes. By analyzing GPS collected data in a GIS, "Black spots" where a statistically significant number of road accidents take place in a certain time period can be identified.

Mohamed El-Gafy
Florida State University
Civil and Environmental Engineering
2525 Pottsdamer St.
Tallahassee , FL 32310
Phone: 850-410-6581
Fax: 850-410-6241
E-mail: mgafy@eng.fsu.edu

Yassir AbdelRazig
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
2525 pottsdamer St.
Tallahassee , FL 32310
Phone: 850-410-6453
Fax: 850-410-6241
E-mail: abdelraz@eng.fsu.edu