2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Application of Hydrology Enhanced Flow Direction Grids Within Arc Hydro
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Frank Kenny, Bryce Matthews, Bryce Matthews

Advanced raster digital watershed analysis typically utilizes base mapping features from the hydrology and elevation layers. Typically hydrology layers are employed either as a data source during DEM interpolation or used to post-modify the interpolated DEM surface. The method proposed here utilizes the hydrology layers, not to modify the DEM but as a first step in establishing the flow direction grid. The outlined approach unambiguously translates the topological relationships within both the line and polygon hydrology layers directly into a raster flow direction grid. By using this method, the one hundred percent concurrent relationship that then exists between the vector hydrology features and raster flow direction grid ensures that the surficial hydrology features are completely honored for any subsequent raster watershed analysis. This presentation will highlight how such a hydrology enhanced flow direction grid can work seamlessly within Esri's Arc Hydro data model and the full suite of Arc Hydro Tools.

Frank Kenny
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Water Resource Information Project
300 Water St.
Peterborough , Ontario K9J 8M5
Phone: (705) 755-5011
E-mail: frank.kenny@mnr.gov.on.ca

Bryce Matthews
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Water Resoruces Information Project
300 Water St.
Peterborough , Ontario K9J 8M5
Phone: 755-5667
E-mail: bryce.matthews@mnr.gov.on.ca

Bryce Matthews
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Water Resoruces Information Project
300 Water St.
Peterborough , Ontario K9J 8M5
Phone: 755-5667
E-mail: bryce.matthews@mnr.gov.on.ca