

The Walkable-Bikeable Communities Analyst Extension for ArcView 3.x
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Phil Hurvitz

While conventional wisdom in the planning and transportation fields tells us that people are more likely to walk or bicycle in areas that are more "walk and bike friendly," little work has been done to define the exact meaning of "walkability" or "bikeability" with objective, quantitative measures. Does "build it and they will come" guarantee walking and bicycling? The Urban Form Laboratory at the University of Washington's College of Architecture and Urban Planning (Seattle, WA) has developed an ArcView 3.x extension for quantifying objective measures of urban form that have been useful in modeling preferences for walkability and bikeability in different neighborhoods within the Seattle area. The WBC Analyst uses buffer and network analyses to generate these quantitative measures. Preliminary results, when coupled with a telephone survey on exercise and activity levels, have pointed to interesting patterns, some of which support and some of which refute conventional wisdom.

Phil Hurvitz
University of Washington
College of Architecture & Urban Planning
Box 355740
University of Washington
Seattle , WA 98195
Phone: 206-335-8906
E-mail: phurvitz@u.washington.edu

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