

More with Less: City Agency GIS Centralization
Track: GIS Organization, Management and Implementation
Author(s): Deborah Napier

The strategy to centralize GIS for Bellevue, WA, to gain efficiencies, establish consistent policies and practices, reduce staff, and provide a more customer-centric organization approached completion the beginning of 2005. Now that all of the components of the centralization are in place, what are the lessons learned? What were the trade-offs and benefits to move staff with specific Department expertise to the Information Technology Department? Will the new centralized model support multiple department needs with new efficiencies gained? Can the new model sustain previous customer service levels with less staff? What mechanisms are in place to insure success? These questions and many others will be evaluated in this presentation.

Deborah Napier
City of Bellevue
Information Technology
301 116th AVE SE
Bellevue , WA 98004
Phone: 206-619-3112
E-mail: mnapier@whpacific.com

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