

Spatial Tools Development at Central Washington University
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Robert Hickey, Timothy Barnhart

This year's CWU GIS assistant is a programmer whose secondary duties include building ArcGIS extensions using ArcObjects COM interfaces and Microsoft Visual C++. One extension generates erosion modeling datasets (max downhill slope angle, slope length, and RUSLE LS factor) that continues a series of AML-based programs that have been available since 1994. A second extension is a collection of utility analyses that are not available in existing Esri software, including calculating line orientations and extracting x,y coordinates from point files. Another extension is a solar glare hazard calculator which estimates whether or not glare was a factor affecting a driver based upon time of day, time of year, and the direction a driver is facing. Each extension uses shapefiles or grids as inputs (geodatabase version in the future) and will be quickly demonstrated at the conference.

Robert Hickey
Central Washington University
Geography and Land Studies
400 East University Way
Ellensburg , WA 98926
Phone: 509-963-2178
E-mail: rhickey@cwu.edu

Timothy Barnhart
Central Washington University
Geography and Land Studies
400 East University Way
Ellensburg , WA 98926
Phone: 509-963-2178
E-mail: timothy_barnhart@hotmail.com

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