

Developing Natural Hazards Mitigation Plans with ArcGIS
Track: Disaster Mangagement and Emergency Response
Author(s): Yu Zhou, David Heinlen

To promote sustainability as a strategy for disaster preparedness, the President of the United States signed the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. The Act encourages and rewards those local and state governments that develop and implement their mitigation plans for natural disasters. As a similar measure, the state of Ohio requires county governments to have a mitigation plan in order to obtain disaster relief funds. To assist several counties of northwest Ohio in developing their mitigation plans, the authors used ArcGIS to assess and analyze natural hazards potentially impacting their communities. After preprocessing spatial data from different sources, queries and overlays were performed to evaluate possible damages caused by floods and tornados, two major natural disasters in the area. GIS utilization provides a vital tool in mitigation planning. To that end, the results from GIS analysis become an essential part of a county's mitigation plan.

Yu Zhou
Bowling Green State University
Department of Geography
Department of geography
Bowling Green , OH 43403
Phone: 419-372-7828
E-mail: yzhou@bgnet.bgsu.edu

David Heinlen
Bowling Green State University
Environmental Health and Safety
111 College Park Office Building
Bowling Green , OH 43403
Phone: 419-372-2173
E-mail: daveh@bgnet.bgsu.edu

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