

Cool GIS Technology Proves Perfect for Hot Miami Streets
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Ed Herald

The City of Miami is in the middle of a multi-year, $700 million Capital

Improvement Program. A component of the program is the rehabilitation of the City's street right-of-way system. The City selected HDR to manage the program of streetscape enhancements and maintenance to improve nearly every road in the city. It was determined that the power and speed of GIS was critical to managing the large volume of data and staying on a very aggressive schedule. GIS proved to be an integral addition in several ways, including data collection (ArcPad was used to collect condition data for more than 8,700 streets in only two months), prioritizing roadway improvements (roadway condition ratings were assigned using field data in ArcGIS identified priority work areas), a citizen query tool (a custom ArcMap tool to locate City projects adjacent to caller's location), and project conflict reports (using ArcGIS topology tools and Crystal Reports).

Ed Herald
City of Miami
Public Works
444 S.W. 2nd Ave
Miami , FL 33130
Phone: 305-416-1290
E-mail: eherald@ci.miami.fl.us

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