

GIS Driving Force of Land Records System in Beaufort County
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Gary Waters, Dan Morgan

The driving force behind Beaufort County, South Carolina's integrated land records management solutions was GIS. The County's enterprise GIS-based land development tracking and management system incorporates GIS with land use activities such as planning, zoning, and building inspections. Beaufort selected ArcGIS as the platform for their enterprise GIS. The implementation of a land development solution has enabled the County to view land information in both spatial and tabular formats, access the most up-to-date land information with the click of a button, and avoid duplication of database administration among departments through data sharing. For example, it has eliminated much of the paper that passed from zoning and planning departments and the deeds and tax assessor's offices.

Gary Waters
NovaLIS Technologies
14530 Nolen Lane
Charlotte , NC 28277
Phone: 7045401444
Fax: 7045400180
E-mail: gwaters@novalistech.com

Dan Morgan
Beaufort County
100 Ribaut Rd
Beaufort , SC 29901-1228
Phone: 843-470-2660
E-mail: danielm@bcgov.net

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