

Secondary and Cumulative Effects Analysis through the Use of GIS
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Michele Jones

A Secondary and Cumulative Effects Analysis (SCEA) was performed for the Inter County Connector Project located near Washington, D.C. The assessment of secondary and cumulative effects involves the assessment of the potential impacts of the proposed project in the context of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future impacts. Past resource impacts were assessed by overlaying past and present land use and natural resources to identify changes in land use and the implications on resources. Resource impacts expected to occur in the present time frame involved overlaying existing land use/resources with planned/pipeline projects/developments. Assessing reasonably foreseeable future impacts integrated household and employment estimates from an expert land use panel (ELUP) to predict future land use scenarios. Land use and zoning were analyzed to accommodate the estimates for each project alternative. Once the estimates were converted into future land use scenarios the assessment of reasonably foreseeable future resource impacts was conducted.

Michele Jones
McCormick Taylor
509 S. Exeter Street
Baltimore , MD 21202
Phone: 410-662-7400
E-mail: mljones@mtmail.biz

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