

Development of a Heliskiing and Mountain Goat Habitat Management Model
Track: Ecology and Conservation
Author(s): Karina Andrus, Tracy Howlett

The effects of helicopter overflight disturbance to wildlife are well documented. The objective of this research is to develop a three dimensional simulation Mountain Goat Habitat Management Model (herein referred to as HMM) using a GIS. The HMM overlays a noise simulation model with a viewshed analysis for helicopter flight paths and landing zones near mountain goat habitat polygons. The HMM can be used to establish effective management procedures and analyze existing management of heli-recreation activities in the vicinity of identified winter ranging mountain goat habitat. The HMM was developed as a case study of the existing management objectives and current wildlife management practices in the Skeena Region of the British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection. The objective of this research is to develop and evaluate site specific adaptive management programs for commercial heli-recreation operators.

Karina Andrus
Cascade Environmental Resource Group Ltd.
Land Use Planning
53-2704 Cheakamus Way
Whistler , British Columbia v0n1b2
Phone: 604.938.1969
E-mail: kandrus@cascade-environmental.ca

Tracy Howlett
Cascade Environmental Resource Group Ltd.
3-1005 Alpha Lake Road
Whistler , British Columbia V0N1B2
Phone: 604.938.1949
Fax: 604.938.1247
E-mail: thowlett@cascade-environmental.ca

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