

Automatic Generation GIS Features Using ArcSDE--Java API in Indianapolis
Track: New Technology and System Integration
Author(s): Chuck Carufel

This presentation will focus on the development of a server-based solution for the automatic creation of GIS features for the City of Indianapolis. The Department of Metropolitan Development and the Mayor's Action Center both log a significant number of permit and service requests every day. The development of a server based application has provided the automatic generation of corresponding ArcSDE GIS features as each new permit or service request is generated. These features are then immediately accessible and viewable by any GIS viewer or application that needs to access this data. This application is unique in that it integrates the ArcSDE 9--Java API and Oracle. This presentation will discuss the reasons for developing this type of application, application design/structure and work flow, advantages of choosing this method, and issues that were faced and how the issues were addressed.

Chuck Carufel
City of Indianapolis/Marion County
Information Services Agency
200 E. Washington St.
Room 2460
Indianapolis , IN 46204
Phone: 3173274957
Fax: 3173274954
E-mail: ccarufel@indygov.org

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