

San Diego International Airport GIS: The Road Ahead
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Ataa Aly

The San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (SDCRAA) is one of the busiest airports in the U.S. This paper will discuss the approach that SDCRAA took in implementing an Infrastructure Database Management Project (IDMP), which is a web-based GIS to "serve up its vast storehouse of technical information to users throughout SDCRAA. Specifically, this paper will outline the methodology that was used, the significant technologies that were employed and the key issues that need to be addressed when using the web to deploy broad-reaching applications that incorporate spatial data. The paper will also focus on the different rules the IDMP is playing in responding to the various needs of the Airport departments including engineering, security, real-estate, etc. Furthermore, the paper will establishe a baseline of information on the required maintenance process to keep this Airport-wide GIS as a powerful and flexible, yet eminently usable Web-based information tool.

Ataa Aly
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Facilities Development
2320 Stillwater Rd.
San Diego , CA 92101
Phone: 619-400-2646
E-mail: aaly@san.org

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